
The Termination Conversation

Any person who has been through the task of terminating the employment of another person will tell you – it’s HARD. Well, I should qualify that. It SHOULD be hard. If you’re in a position that puts you in charge of someone else’s livelihood, and you don’t take that responsibility…
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Interview Pitfalls to Avoid

At a certain point, every business owner will have to interview potential staff. We all begin as novices at this task and will inevitably make mistakes. An interview is not only the candidate’s opportunity to make a first impression on you but is also the first impression that your business…
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3 Tips for Better Performance Evaluations

When asked their opinion about employee evaluations, many leaders will first cringe and second say they don’t find them useful. This has led to many companies adopting a new philosophy regarding performance evaluations; ditching the old formal review for mini feedback sessions or real-time performance conversations. I don’t recommend this…
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Top Handbook and Workplace Policy Mistakes

When setting up small business infrastructure, the development of handbooks and workplace policies are often overlooked; but these documents should serve as the “backbone” of company culture and structure. Several times, I’ve been told by small business owners that handbooks and set policies can be too restrictive; that they would…
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Monitoring your Workplace Legally

Gone are the days of expensive video monitoring systems that take weeks for professional installation and are exorbitant in cost. These days, video surveillance is ubiquitous. Outside of our homes, we are under the eye of a camera at almost all times. It now is so easy to install a…
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Why Career Progression Matters

A lot of small businesses lack the formality and hierarchical makeup that large corporations have. In many ways, this is a benefit to the stakeholders and provides a more flexible, agile environment in which to work. One area that small business owners should consider implementing a hierarchical approach is in…
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Five Small Business Pay Traps to Avoid

While mostly common practices, compensation policies can leave employers exposed to claims, legal proceedings and fines. When it comes to compensation, there are several compliance issues we address regularly as we onboard our clients. While mostly common practices, compensation policies can leave employers exposed to claims, legal proceedings and fines.…
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HR Laws in a Nutshell

The amount of applicable workplace law is vast, and it changes constantly. Wages & Hours: These are the laws that protect employee wages and hours and are typically regulated by the US Department of Labor. There are, of course, specific state regulations that should be observed as well. FLSA: Fair…
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