Formal Tax Planning & Analysis

Planning and creating a strategy for taxes is vital for small businesses. Tax rules and requirements can be complicated, so trusting an expert with your tax planning and preparation can save you time and money.  What Is Tax Planning? Tax planning is a crucial proponent of thinking about and implementing…
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Client Accounting Services

Client Accounting Services

GO Admin Solutions acts as the outsourced accounting department for your business when you use our client accounting services. This arrangement lets you enjoy the expertise of a dedicated accounting team without the expense and management responsibilities of an in-house accounting department. When you work with GO Admin Solutions for…
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Employee Payroll Tax Deferral

Employers are still grappling with the decision of whether to opt-in to the payroll tax deferral for employees or to continue to collect and remit these taxes. On August 8, 2020, President Trump signed an Executive Order, deferring the Social Security portion of the federal employee payroll taxes from 9/1/2020…
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Holiday Gifts for Employees

Every year at this time, Employers are thinking of ways to give back to their employees, and to show their appreciation of a job well done. This can come with a lot of questions and concerns, especially as it relates to properly accounting for those gifts. Unless a gift in…
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The Value of Succession Planning

Business owners generally concentrate their attention on maximizing profits in both short and long term cycles. After some time has passed, the need to have a long-term succession plan and exit-strategy takes center stage. At the inception of opening and running a small or medium sized business, the primary goal…
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Tax Savings Strategies

Avoid This S Corporation Health Insurance Deduction Mistake If you own more than 2 percent of an S corporation, you have to do three things to claim a deduction for your health insurance: 1. You must get the cost of the insurance on the S corporation’s books. 2. Your S corporation…
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